Pretty Pictures - Just Pretty Pictures

Oh yeah, without Global Warming it would have been much worse.

“Dang! Gloval warming at its finest.”

You are right! This is caused by an instability in the polar vortex due to increase energy in the atmosphere making for more extreme weather. 2024 is the warmest year on record. The western US is warmer than normal and then there are the fires in California in January. Don’t forget this year’s hurricane season either. The climate is changing, and we do know what is driving it.


Global Warming is a misnomer. It is correctly called Climate Change. You see, when the average temperature goes up, what really happens is that it goes way up in places and way down in places. Overall it is up, but what’s worse, is that weather events are becoming more severe since they are powered by a warmer, overall, globe.

We are undeniably in a Climate Change scenario now.

If you deny it, wow, really, take some science classes. Stop listening to politicians and listen to scientists. And I don’t mean YouTube Scientists, I mean real ones.

@castoff is correct, 2024 was the warmest year EVER on record. Anybody want to guess what the second warmest was? That’s right, 2023.


Indeed, the climate is changing. The Climate has fluctuated throughout the entire history of the world since its conception. That is why we should concentrate our resources and economies on mitigating the affects of this climate change so it does not impact the human population of the world to a great extent. Instead of wasting or resources and wrecking our economies trying to have an 1/2 degree reduction in the earth’s climate so a few well positioned people can get rich at the expense of the entire world’s population.

My reply to @Castoff would also be my reply to you.

I was sure you would respond. There are not just human economic repercussions, but the repercussions are much more imminent and impactful on the balance of nature. This balance is responsible for life on the planet as we know it.

This post might be of interest to you. We do know what is driving this round of climate change and its repercussions on natural systems.

The CO2 link to ocean acidification and 19 ‘mass extinctions’ with CO2 levels we’re now heading toward - Paddlers’ Place -

I posted the science. I don’t intend to do it again on this thread about photos.

You are right, this has already gone on too long on this man’s thread.

The only reason a particular thread is not appropriate is because it’s hard to find the discussion or refer to the info, especially as time passes. If you look up climate topics or want to refer anyone to data, you won’t find it unless you remember the content on this thread.

It isn’t a cardinal sin, or a breach of etiquette, like squeaking out a note of flatulence in church. It only means your input is lost in the weeds. As far as being burdened by coming across a global warning topic on a pretty picture thread, dont read it. I stopped reading the Co2 in the ocean long before it dried up and died.

Did I post the tree ring study . . .

Sorry, wrong thread. Peace out!

This is the OP’s thread, not mine.

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Water is too hard to paddle here


Just forget the paddle ('til spring). Great snow cover that beckons! Get the skis, snowshoes and trekking poles out! Beautiful sunset there!

There is always some outdoor activity to pursue/enjoy. :slight_smile:



I can’t stop dreaming of the summer to come … this is the Huron River at the Peninsular dam last summer, 1/2 hour after sunrise. This dam is coming out soon, either this year or next, but they are keeping the old generator house with its iconic sign.

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This is the start of the 104-mile Huron River water trail on Proud Lake, all loaded up with 70 lbs of gear – about 50 lbs of camping gear, 5 days of food, and 16 lbs (2 days) of water.


You will persevere.

I look forward to summer, but I can’t help but enjoy the comfort of my recliner that has a pit seat, a tap, and rollers to help me to get around the house if the remote needs new batteries.

I’m not ready to give it up just yet. It’s in the single digits outside. I’ll replace the flannel cover with a down comforter if things get worse.


Do you have a description of your trip somewhere? Which dam was the worst portage?

Ready to Freeze


Looks like she decided to take a break and go on vacation. :wink:

I believe New York copied our statue for Ellis Island. Of course, they had to make it much bigger.


It never occurred to me to do a write-up, but I can put something together in a separate thread. Last summer I actually went down the river twice, the first time (first ever river trip, first ever canoe camping) in stages (day 1, days 2&3, days 4&5), and the second time 5 days continuous. Each dam portage had its own unique challenges, and none was hardest. For instance, French Landing portage was under 4’ of fast moving water, so I took out on the other side and walked my kayak down Haggerty and put in under the bridge on Huron River Drive.