Pretty Pictures - Just Pretty Pictures

Clear Fork Trinity, upriver from Benbrook Lake 12/17/23


Kahi Island looking towards Zamami island in the Kerama Archipelago, Okinawa Japan.

Pic taken here:


We like to paddle out and leave the dog on this small island so he can play being a wolf


Little sheep dog,
on that rocky shore,
herd around those boulders,
"Shore can be a boar,

so I herd up on those mountains,
where the sheep can be such Dahl."
An image 'n airy canine,
that moves midst the rockpile.


Thank you, made our day :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Herding boulders

Tight on every level

I’ll read it to him

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I cut the tree tips off :smiling_face_with_tear: but I couldn’t paddle or I would get ripples


I wonder what a place like that does for septic.

I think it’s just a boat shed although wildpinklers
are everywhere


“Wildpinkler” Love that! Ich habe Deutsch studiert bei Universitat and that’s a new one on me, but a word I will gleefully add to my vocabulary.

Coincidentally, I just replaced my SheWee at the local outfitters’ yesterday (to paraphrase the late JFK, “Ich bin ein Wildpinklerin.”)

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I learned a new word today. I’ve been one of those for decades and most of my friends are also.
Any boy raised in or near the woods , and I’m sure many girls, can relate.

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Don’t forget to say it with a V like vinta vunderland!

My element decided to become elastic again to celebrate the NY. Mashkiki.
This lake was 95% frozen over with fish houses. It is now 75% clear and the skim
ice I can break with the Hawk.
Peace J



:eggplant: :eggplant: :eggplant: :eggplant:

Jawohl. Have never strayed from proper German pronunciation. My ex used to fuss when I always referred to his VW Beetle as “der folksvahgen”. I speak Spanish too, but have given up the fight on correcting people who refer to llamas (“yamas”) as “lamas”.

I cringe when I hear people pronounce the name of a local town as Byoona Vista.

Lol, me too on the llama pronunciation.

One of the cutesy Christmas decor themes in recent years has been cartoons of llamas in Santa hats with the slogan “Fa la la la llama”. Just no. If they must get punny, garb the beasts with Tibetan monks’ robes.

My fellow southwest Pennsylvanians are particularly challenged by French place names, and there are quite a few here. The next municipality down from me is North Versailles, locally known as “Vur-sails”. Then there is Chartiers Creek (properly “shahr-tee-ayz”) which is fondly dubbed “char-tears”.

There are others that I don’t immediately recall that used to amuse my dad (a Professor of Linguistics who spoke about 30 languages) after we moved here in the '60s. At least the locals get “Duquesne” right most of the time (fortunately the fame of the college’s sports teams get it in the public ear) though it is common to brand things “Dukane” hereabouts and I have heard “doo-quezz-nee”.

How about Nevada?!

The locals insist we say Nevăda but it comes from the Spanish word nevar.

So I prefer Nevoda. :woman_shrugging: