Pretty Pictures - Just Pretty Pictures

hey it’s okay to not talk like a local if you aren’t local! Lots of native american, french and spanish names have been used for rivers and towns and states that have been anglo-saxonized a bit. I’ve paddled a bunch of rivers I didn’t know how to pronounce. It didn’t stop me from enjoying them. Here’s some tricky wv stuff- kanawha- cuh-nah, gauley- gol-lee, and of course you need context when someone says they are going to do “New River”. Give this river town a try: Cheylan, pronounced she’ll-yin. There is nothing biblical in the pronunciation of canaan valley.

Maine has some pretty challenging names for streams and lakes that are four or five syllables long.

In the disney cartoon movie Pocohontas they actually got some pronunciations right! Ohio was the Oh-hee-O and Kentucky was pronounced Can-tock-ee.

In some cases you have the same river with a french, english, and even multiple native american names. In texas the majority of folks I met slanged the Guadulupe river as simply the gwod with a hard g, but used the y sound for the Llamo River . The rio grande was simply the ree-oh. In mexico they have multiple rivers with the same names which makes it very confusing. A few rivers in the u.s. change names or pronunciations at county or state lines. The arkansas river is pronounced are-kansas in the state of kansas. The appalachian mountains change pronunciation depending up where you are. Good luck with all that.

Embrace the fact that you are a river tourist and just go with the flow.

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Word pictures?

Madrid NM is referred to as “mad rid” and this one in Ariz is “sa loam” (Salome’).

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Don’t wait for me to catch up …

41 hr (2,238 miles)

via I-94 W and I-90 W

Fastest route now due to traffic conditions

  • This route has tolls.
  • This route includes a ferry.
  • This route crosses a country border.
  • Your destination is in a different time zone.

You mean like the Dolly Llama!

That would make for a nice big oil painting!
There is a Ukrainian artist trying to survive that just did one for us, amazing prices.
The more abstract the better I think.

Is that British Columbia? The Inside Passage?

That was a beautiful stretch, wow.


I got excited about this one last week


That’s a great camera angle!
Do you a have a GoPro mounted on the GearLab paddle?! We tried putting one on the wing of a float plane.

That is a Blue Highway of the Inside Passage. Off that route but not by much.

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Getting prettier by the week. Her puppy name is Sleepy . We’ll have her in 2 weeks.


Her mother is a Standard poodle and her father a Std poodle and Australian shepard mix.

A few photos of sunset and the beach on Edisto Island last week of 2023. Ther was rain and gale warnings the first part of the trip, but I did get to paddle a couple of days.


A couple of recent pics on the St Joseph in SW MI. I think the light is amazing…with the glare on the water and zero wind one could see every little detail in the river currents as far as the eye could see.


Clean portage trail

In North Idaho, we use the water at least twice


Pretty day on the Weeki Wachee. It was supposed to be overcast so the sun was a bonus, but the weather forecast kept most of the crowds away.

I saw several trees with fall colors and several with buds, in January, because Florida.


Portage Lake Alaska


Surfers, North Shore Oahu


there are many videos of those crazies surfing 100’ waves, I’d like to see a video or sequence of shots of them after the wave envelops them - what wave forces are acting on the body

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Winter may arrive yet here in SE Michigan. This morning on the Huron River in Hamburg.