Type III PFD Recommendations

Universal fit.

You in for a surprise.

Given our experience with you paying attention, the wonderful review you will write for your horse collar will be enlightening.

A Hurricane Santee is not a Poke Boat. Which did you actually buy?

This is where you are unaware of what is going on. It will not just be one horse collar, but two horse collars, one in front and one in back strapped together with a strap around the torso. Super Horse Collar. I invented it myself.

What do you mean given your experience with me paying attention. I have absorbed a lot.

Hurricane Santee 116. The ultimate Poke around boat.

I really do not know what you mean by that.

Sigh. This is a Poke Boat. It was an odd lightweight composite sort of wide canoe/kayak hybrid made for a while by a company in Kentucky. I don’t know if they are still being made.


I doubt we are “unaware” so much as uninterested. But please, by all means, share a photo of yourself wearing your clever invention. And do tell us how “light, unrestrictive and cool” it is in use.

Do 2 Type II’s make a Type IV??

You don’t add them together, you have to multiply to get the new rating

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Poke boat for poking around harbors, park lagoons, bajous, marsh, drainage canals, local rivers up to class IIIs without too many obstructions, a little surfing and enough tracking to do open flat water even modest chop.It would smoke that little example you put forth.

The concept of a metaphor is totally lost on you isn’t it.

Foiled again.

I can see the Coast Guard report already.
“Kayak found with no Paddler. There were two PFD tied together. It appears that the paddler’s head slipped through the opening between the life jackets.”

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reminds me of Pamy 140 …


There are some hitches that have to be worked out… Rome was not built in a day.

I found one cheaper. You can always count on Walmart. We are on a roll.

Here’s another vote for the v8. I don’t mind mine at all even wearing it 6 hours at a time. It gets HOT here in the summer and I never feel bothered by the v8. My wife loves hers as well. I’m a big guy. 6’ 235 lbs and very broad thru chest and shoulders. I have to snug the L/XL pretty snug for it to fit properly. I could have easily gone with the M/L (that’s what my wife has…it also fit me fine). Don’t know if that means they run a little big, but maybe that is useful info. Get a great/comfy pfd and you’ll never mind having it on (and you should ALWAYS be wearing it in your boat).

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Gee, at that price, buy 4 and slip one over each leg. Lash them together with duct tape and you won’t even need a boat…

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